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Posts tagged with 'functionality'

5 Tips for Arranging Furniture in an Open Plan

Are you struggling to arrange furniture in your open plan home? While open plan layouts offer a spacious and flexible design, figuring out how to arrange furniture in such a large space can be challenging. Whether you're dealing with a loft-style apartment or a modern home design, here are five tips to help you make the most of your open plan:


Define Zones

The key to successfully arranging furniture in an open plan is to define distinct zones within the space. Think about how you want to use each area and create separate zones for activities such as lounging, dining, and working. You can use area rugs, lighting, and furniture arrangement to delineate these zones and create a sense of purpose for each area.


Use Furniture to Create Flow

When arranging furniture in an open plan, it's important to consider the flow of traffic through the space. Arrange furniture in a way that allows for easy movement between different areas of the room. Avoid blocking pathways with large pieces of furniture, and leave enough space between furniture groupings to allow for comfortable movement.

Consider Scale and Proportion

In a large, open space, it's important to choose furniture that is appropriately scaled to the size of the room. Avoid overcrowding the space with oversized furniture, as this can make the room feel smaller and more cluttered. Instead, opt for furniture that is proportionate to the scale of the room and allows for easy circulation.


Create Visual Cohesion

To create visual cohesion in an open plan, choose furniture and decor that complement each other in terms of style, colour, and material. Using a cohesive colour palette throughout the space can help tie everything together and create a unified look. Consider using area rugs, throw pillows, and artwork to add pops of colour and texture that tie the different areas of the room together.


Don't Forget About Functionality

While it's important to create a visually appealing space, it's equally important to consider the functionality of the room. Think about how you and your family will use the space on a daily basis, and choose furniture that meets your needs. For example, if you like to entertain, make sure you have plenty of seating options for guests. If you have children, choose durable, easy-to-clean fabrics that can stand up to everyday wear and tear.


Arranging furniture in an open plan can be challenging, but with the right approach, you can create a stylish and functional space that works for your lifestyle. By defining zones, creating flow, considering scale and proportion, creating visual cohesion, and prioritising functionality, you can make the most of your open plan and create a space that feels inviting and comfortable for you and your family.

Fresh Beginnings: Revamping Your Space with New Furniture

As the seasons shift and time progresses, our homes evolve alongside us. What better way to embrace a fresh start than by revamping your living space with new furniture? Whether you're moving into a new home, transitioning between life stages, or simply craving a change, refreshing your space can breathe new life into your surroundings. Join us as we explore the transformative power of new furniture and discover how it can revitalise your home.


Reflecting Your Personal Style

Your home is a reflection of your personality and taste, and the furniture you choose plays a pivotal role in expressing your individual style. When embarking on a home revamp, consider how you want your space to look and feel. Do you prefer modern minimalism, rustic charm, or eclectic bohemian vibes? Selecting furniture that resonates with your personal aesthetic sets the tone for your entire home transformation.


Enhancing Functionality and Comfort

Beyond aesthetics, furniture serves a practical purpose in our daily lives. Upgrading to new pieces allows you to enhance functionality and comfort throughout your home. Whether it's a sectional sofa with built-in storage, a multifunctional coffee table, or an ergonomic desk chair, investing in furniture that meets your needs can significantly improve your quality of life and make everyday tasks more enjoyable.


Creating a Cohesive Look

A cohesive interior design scheme creates a sense of harmony and flow within your home. When selecting new furniture, consider how each piece contributes to the overall look and feel of your space. Aim for consistency in design styles, colours, and materials to create a cohesive and unified aesthetic. By curating a well-coordinated ensemble of furniture, you can achieve a polished and professional look that ties your entire home together.


Embracing Change and Renewal

Revamping your space with new furniture is an opportunity to embrace change and renewal in your life. Whether you're embarking on a new chapter, pursuing personal growth, or simply seeking a fresh perspective, updating your surroundings can symbolise a fresh start and inspire positive energy. Embrace the excitement of transformation as you breathe new life into your home with stylish and contemporary furniture pieces.


Embrace the Journey

Revamping your space with new furniture is an exhilarating journey of self-expression, functionality, and renewal. Whether you're looking to refresh a single room or embark on a full-scale home makeover, the process of selecting and integrating new furniture into your space allows you to craft a home that reflects your personality, meets your needs, and inspires you to embrace fresh beginnings. So, why wait? Begin your home revamp today and embark on a journey of transformation and renewal.

The Intersection of Fashion and Furniture Design

In the realm of design, where creative boundaries are boundless, fashion and furniture have long been kindred spirits. The allure of aesthetics, the significance of functionality, and the influence of cultural trends meet at this intriguing crossroads, fostering a captivating interplay that perpetually inspires innovation. This article delves into the enthralling relationship between fashion and furniture design, exploring how they mutually influence and enrich each other's domains.


A Fusion of Form and Function:

Both fashion and furniture design share a fundamental principle: the fusion of form and function. Just as a finely tailored suit makes a statement whilst ensuring comfort, furniture must blend style and utility seamlessly. Designers in both disciplines face the challenge of crafting pieces that are not only visually appealing but also practical in everyday life.


Material Choices:

One of the most conspicuous links between fashion and furniture design resides in the selection of materials. The textures, colours, and fabrics used in clothing frequently find their way into furniture upholstery, culminating in a harmonious marriage. Luxurious velvet sofas, sleek leather chairs, and fabric-draped headboards all acknowledge fashion for their material inspirations.


Colour Trends and Palettes:

Fashion designers frequently dictate colour trends that extend far beyond the catwalk. The hues showcased in clothing collections inevitably impact the colour palettes chosen for furniture upholstery and finishes. As fashion trends transition from earthy neutrals to bold, vibrant shades, furniture designers follow suit, crafting pieces that align with contemporary tastes.


Cultural Impacts:

Both fashion and furniture design draw richly from cultural influences. Designers frequently incorporate motifs, patterns, and artistic elements from various cultures into their creations. Whether it's the influence of Japanese minimalism or the vibrancy of African prints, this cross-pollination of ideas enriches both industries and allows consumers to experience diverse global aesthetics.


Evolving Styles and Eras:

In the same vein as fashion's distinct eras – such as the Roaring Twenties, the Swinging Sixties, and the minimalist Nineties – furniture design also mirrors these stylistic shifts. Mid-century modern furniture, for example, reflects the clean lines and functional elegance of its era, much like the fashion trends of that period. The fluidity between these two domains ensures that past styles consistently inspire contemporary design.


The convergence of fashion and furniture design represents an enthralling realm where creativity knows no bounds. As these two fields continue to inspire and influence each other, we can anticipate witnessing even more innovative designs that cater to our ever-evolving tastes and requirements. Therefore, the next time you embark on a quest for a stylish sofa or a trendy outfit, remember that you're not merely selecting a piece of fabric or furniture – you're embracing a rich tapestry of design history and culture.


Minimalism in Furniture: Balancing Aesthetics and Functionality

In a world that often appears cluttered and chaotic, the concept of minimalism has gained significant popularity. This trend extends beyond decluttering your living space; it has also found its way into the design of furniture. Minimalism in furniture is all about achieving a harmonious balance between aesthetics and functionality. In this article, we'll explore the essence of minimalism in furniture and how it can transform your living spaces.


The Essence of Minimalism

Minimalism is more than just a design trend; it's a philosophy that advocates for simplicity and the elimination of unnecessary elements. It encourages you to focus on what truly matters, both in design and life. When applied to furniture, minimalism seeks to create pieces that are visually pleasing, unobtrusive, and highly functional.


Clean Lines and Simple Forms

At the heart of minimalistic furniture design are clean lines and simple forms. Furniture pieces often feature straight lines, geometric shapes, and a lack of ornate detailing. This simplicity in design allows the furniture to blend seamlessly with various interior styles and spaces.


Neutral Colour Palette

Minimalist furniture tends to favour neutral colour palettes, such as whites, greys, blacks, and earthy tones. These colours create a calming and unobtrusive atmosphere, making the space feel open and inviting. The absence of bold, attention-grabbing colours is a hallmark of minimalist design.


Quality Over Quantity

Minimalism encourages the idea of "less is more." This means that instead of cluttering your space with numerous pieces of furniture, you focus on selecting a few high-quality items that serve their purpose exceptionally well. Quality materials and craftsmanship take precedence over quantity.


Functionality as a Priority

One of the key principles of minimalistic furniture design is prioritising functionality. Minimalist pieces are designed with a purpose and often serve multiple functions. For example, a coffee table might have built-in storage or a sofa that converts into a bed. This approach maximises the utility of each piece while minimising clutter.


Multifunctional Furniture

Multifunctional furniture is a staple of minimalist design. Pieces like sofa beds, extendable dining tables, and storage ottomans are designed to make the most of your space without compromising on style. These pieces adapt to your needs, ensuring that every square inch of your home serves a purpose.

Hidden Storage Solutions

To maintain a clean and uncluttered look, minimalistic furniture often incorporates hidden storage solutions. Cabinets with sleek, push-to-open mechanisms, floating wall-mounted shelves, and beds with under-bed storage drawers are examples of how functionality seamlessly integrates with aesthetics.


Finding the Right Balance

Balancing aesthetics and functionality is the essence of minimalism in furniture design. Here are some tips for achieving this balance in your home:


  • Declutter First: Before investing in minimalist furniture, declutter your space. Get rid of items you no longer need or use. This will create a clean canvas on which your new furniture can shine.
  • Choose Quality Over Quantity: Invest in well-crafted, durable pieces that will stand the test of time. These pieces may have a higher upfront cost, but they are more sustainable in the long run and contribute to the overall minimalist aesthetic.
  • Prioritise Versatility: Select furniture that serves multiple functions or can adapt to changing needs. This not only saves space but also adds practicality to your living areas.
  • Maintain a Cohesive Colour Palette: Stick to a neutral colour palette for your furniture and decor. This creates a sense of unity and tranquillity in your home.
  • Embrace Negative Space: Allow for plenty of negative space in your design. This means leaving areas of your room empty, which can be just as impactful as the furniture itself.


Minimalism in furniture design is all about achieving a delicate balance between aesthetics and functionality. By adhering to the principles of clean lines, neutral colours, and prioritising quality and functionality, you can create a space that is not only visually appealing but also highly practical. Minimalistic furniture invites you to live with intention, appreciating the beauty of simplicity in your daily life. So, take a step toward a more serene and clutter-free environment by exploring the world of minimalistic furniture design. Your home will thank you for it.


Check out our range to create your own minimalist home!


Creating a Zen Space: Incorporating Minimalist Furniture for a Calm and Serene Home

In the hustle and bustle of modern life, finding moments of tranquility and peace is essential for our well-being. A Zen-inspired space at home can serve as a sanctuary, providing a calm and serene retreat from the outside world. One of the key elements in designing such a space is minimalist furniture. With its focus on simplicity, clean lines, and uncluttered aesthetics, minimalist furniture plays a pivotal role in creating a Zen ambiance. In this article, we will explore the principles of minimalist furniture and discover how it can transform your home into a haven of tranquility.


Embrace Simplicity in Design

Minimalist furniture is characterised by its simplicity and lack of unnecessary embellishments. When incorporating minimalist pieces into your home, opt for clean lines and smooth surfaces. Look for furniture with uncomplicated shapes, as these contribute to a sense of calm and orderliness in the space.

For example, a minimalist sofa with straight lines and no ornate details instantly exudes a sense of understated elegance. A dining table with a sleek, unadorned surface and slender legs creates an inviting atmosphere, encouraging mindful meals and conversations.


Focus on Functionality

A key tenet of minimalist furniture is its focus on functionality. Every piece serves a purpose and has a clear function, eliminating any clutter or excess in the design. When choosing furniture for your Zen space, consider its practicality and how it fits into your daily life.

Invest in pieces with built-in storage to keep your space organised and uncluttered. A minimalist bed frame with hidden drawers or a coffee table with discreet shelves can be invaluable in maintaining a serene environment.


Neutral Colour Palette

Neutral colours play a significant role in minimalist design, as they create a sense of harmony and balance. Incorporate a soothing colour palette consisting of whites, creams, beiges, and soft greys. These colours not only promote a calm ambiance but also allow other elements, such as plants or artwork, to stand out more prominently.

For example, a minimalist entertainment unit in a muted grey tone complements the overall Zen atmosphere and enhances the focus on relaxation and mindfulness.


Optimise Open Space

A hallmark of minimalist furniture is its ability to optimise open space. Leave breathing room around each piece to give your home a sense of airiness and freedom. Avoid overcrowding the space with furniture, and opt for multi-functional pieces that can serve multiple purposes without occupying excessive space.

A simple, floating minimalist shelf can provide storage and display space while maintaining a light and uncluttered feel to the room.


Natural Materials

Incorporating natural materials is a crucial aspect of achieving a Zen ambiance with minimalist furniture. Wood, in its natural state, is a popular choice, as it brings warmth and organic beauty to the space. Unfinished or lightly finished wood adds to the simplicity and authenticity of the design.

Consider a minimalist coffee table crafted from reclaimed wood or a dresser with a smooth, natural wood finish to infuse your space with a touch of nature.


Creating a Zen space with minimalist furniture is about embracing simplicity, functionality, and natural beauty. By opting for clean lines, neutral colours, and uncluttered designs, you can transform your home into a calm and serene retreat. Minimalist furniture encourages mindful living and enables you to appreciate the beauty in simplicity. As you incorporate these principles into your home, you'll find yourself drawn to the peacefulness of your surroundings, allowing you to unwind, relax, and rejuvenate in your own private sanctuary.

Check our product to make your own Zen space!

Balance and Symmetry: Achieving Visual Harmony in Furniture Arrangements


When it comes to interior design, furniture placement plays a crucial role in creating a visually pleasing and harmonious space. The arrangement of furniture not only affects the functionality of a room but also significantly impacts its overall aesthetics. Achieving balance and symmetry in furniture arrangements is key to creating a sense of visual harmony. In this article, we will delve into the importance of balance and symmetry, explore different types of balance, and provide practical tips on arranging furniture to create a visually stunning living space.


Understanding the Importance of Balance and Symmetry 

Balance and symmetry are fundamental principles in design that create a sense of order, stability, and equilibrium. When applied to furniture placement, they ensure that a room feels cohesive and visually appealing. Without balance and symmetry, a space can appear cluttered, chaotic, or off-balance. 


Balance refers to the distribution of visual weight in a room. Achieving balance involves arranging furniture and decor elements in a way that creates equilibrium and visual stability. Symmetry, on the other hand, involves mirroring objects or arranging them in a way that creates a sense of harmonious proportion. 


Exploring Different Types of Balance

There are various types of balance that can be employed in furniture arrangements, each with its own unique aesthetic impact. Understanding these types will help you choose the most suitable balance for your desired style. 


  • Symmetrical Balance: Symmetrical balance is achieved by placing identical or similar objects in a mirrored arrangement. This type of balance is often associated with a formal and traditional aesthetic. For instance, a sofa flanked by two identical armchairs or a bed with matching nightstands on either side creates a symmetrical balance. 


  • Asymmetrical Balance: Asymmetrical balance involves arranging objects of different visual weight or size to create equilibrium. It can be achieved by distributing objects with varying heights, textures, or colors across a space. Asymmetrical balance allows for a more relaxed and informal look, adding visual interest and uniqueness to a room. 


  • Radial Balance: Radial balance is centered around a focal point, with objects radiating outward in a circular or spiral arrangement. This type of balance is often seen in rooms with a central point of focus, such as a dining table surrounded by chairs or a coffee table with seating arranged around it. Radial balance adds a dynamic and energetic feel to a space. 


Practical Tips for Achieving Visual Harmony 

Now that we have explored the importance of balance and symmetry, let's delve into some practical tips for arranging furniture to create a visually pleasing and harmonious space.


  • Plan the layout: Before moving any furniture, create a rough sketch or use a digital tool to plan the layout of the room. Consider the size and shape of the space, as well as the function and flow you want to achieve. 


  • Start with the focal point: Identify the focal point of the room, such as a fireplace, large window, or entertainment center. Arrange furniture around this focal point to create a sense of cohesion and visual hierarchy. 


  • Consider traffic flow: Ensure that there is enough space for comfortable movement within the room. Leave clear pathways and avoid placing furniture in a way that obstructs the natural flow of traffic. 


  • Mix and match: Experiment with a combination of different balance types. For instance, you can place a large, visually heavy piece of furniture on one side of the room and balance it out with a group of smaller objects on the other side. 


  • Pay attention to scale and proportion: Ensure that the size of the furniture is appropriate for the space. Avoid overcrowding or leaving vast empty areas. Aim for a harmonious balance between furniture sizes to maintain a visually pleasing environment. 


  • Play with heights: Vary the heights of furniture and accessories to add visual interest. Mix taller pieces, such as bookshelves or floor lamps, with lower items like sofas or coffee tables. This creates a sense of vertical balance and prevents the room from feeling flat or monotonous. 


  • Consider color and pattern: Incorporate color and pattern in a balanced way. Choose a color palette that complements the overall style of the room and distribute it evenly throughout the space. When using patterns, ensure that they are proportionate and not overwhelming. A balanced distribution of color and pattern helps create a cohesive and visually pleasing atmosphere.


  • Pay attention to negative space: Negative space, also known as empty or white space, is an essential element in creating balance. Allow for some empty areas within the room to give the eyes a place to rest. This helps prevent the space from feeling overcrowded and allows the furniture and decor elements to stand out. 


  • Experiment with furniture angles: Don't be afraid to angle furniture pieces slightly to add a dynamic touch to the room. Angled arrangements can create a sense of movement and energy while maintaining balance and symmetry. 


  • Use mirrors strategically: Mirrors not only serve a functional purpose but can also enhance the visual balance in a room. Placing a mirror opposite a window or focal point reflects light and creates a sense of spaciousness. Mirrors can also be used to visually balance asymmetrical arrangements by creating a mirrored effect. 


  • Edit and declutter: Regularly assess your furniture arrangement and remove any unnecessary or visually distracting items. Clutter disrupts visual harmony and can make a room feel chaotic. Streamline the space by keeping only essential pieces that contribute to the overall balance and symmetry. 


Remember, achieving visual harmony in furniture arrangements is a creative process that requires experimentation and a keen eye for detail. Trust your instincts and have fun while arranging your furniture to create a space that reflects your personal style while maintaining a sense of balance and symmetry. 

What Makes Commercial Furniture Stand Out?


In the competitive world of commercial spaces, having standout furniture can make all the difference. Whether it's an office, restaurant, hotel, or retail store, investing in furniture that stands out can elevate the overall aesthetic, enhance the customer experience, and leave a lasting impression. In this comprehensive guide, we will explore the key factors that make commercial furniture stand out and help you make informed decisions when furnishing your business space.


Unique Design and Aesthetics:

One of the primary factors that make commercial furniture stand out is its unique design and aesthetics. Look for furniture pieces that go beyond the ordinary and offer a distinctive appeal. Consider furniture with eye-catching shapes, interesting patterns, or innovative materials. Furniture with creative details and unexpected elements can create a memorable visual impact and set your commercial space apart from the competition.


Good Quality Materials and Craftsmanship:

Commercial furniture that stands out is often made from quality materials and showcases durable craftsmanship. Opt for furniture constructed from durable materials like solid wood, metal, or commercial-grade plastics. Pay attention to the finish, detailing, and overall build quality. Furniture that exhibits excellent craftsmanship not only looks impressive but also ensures longevity, enhancing its value and making it stand out in terms of durability and aesthetics.


Functionality and Versatility:

Commercial furniture that excels in functionality and versatility is highly sought after. Consider furniture pieces that serve multiple purposes or offer modular designs that can be adapted to different layouts or configurations. Versatile furniture not only maximises the utility of your commercial space but also showcases adaptability and practicality, making it stand out as a smart investment.

Comfort and Ergonomics:

Comfortable furniture is key to creating a welcoming and enjoyable experience for customers or employees. Look for furniture that prioritises ergonomics, such as office chairs with adjustable features or restaurant seating with adequate cushioning. Prioritising comfort not only makes your commercial space more inviting but also demonstrates a commitment to the well-being of those who use it, setting your business apart from others.


Sustainable and Eco-Friendly Features:

In today's environmentally conscious world, commercial furniture that incorporates sustainable and eco-friendly features stands out. Look for furniture made from recycled or renewable materials, or those that are certified by recognised sustainability standards. Choosing furniture with eco-friendly attributes demonstrates your commitment to environmental responsibility, resonating with customers who prioritise sustainability. Consider furniture pieces that combine sustainability with innovative design concepts. For example, furniture incorporating living plants or green walls can create a unique and eco-friendly focal point in your commercial space.


Integration of Technology:

Incorporating technology into commercial furniture can make it stand out in a tech-driven world. Look for furniture pieces that integrate charging ports, wireless connectivity, or other smart features that enhance functionality and convenience. Furniture with integrated technology not only adds a modern touch but also caters to the needs of digitally connected customers and employees.


Check our furniture for your commercial space!


What is a lift-top coffee table? Why should you consider one?


A lift-top coffee table is a versatile piece of furniture that can be a great addition to any living room. It is designed with a top surface that can be lifted to create a higher surface for eating or working. In this article, we will explore what a lift-top coffee table is, its benefits, and answer some common questions about this type of furniture.


What is a lift-top coffee table?

A lift-top coffee table is a coffee table that has a top surface that can be lifted to create a higher surface. This top surface is usually hinged and can be lifted with ease. The interior of the table often has storage space for books, magazines, or other items. This type of table is usually made from wood or other materials and comes in a variety of styles, sizes, and finishes.


Why should you consider a lift-top coffee table?

Multifunctional: The main advantage of a lift-top coffee table is that it can be used for multiple purposes. It can serve as a traditional coffee table for drinks and snacks, but it can also be transformed into a dining table or a work desk.


Space-saving: A lift-top coffee table can save space in a small living room. Instead of having a separate coffee table and cabinet for extra storage you can have one piece of furniture that serves both functions. This is especially useful for those who live in apartments or have limited space.


Convenience: A lift-top coffee table is very convenient for those who like to work or eat in the living room. The lift-top feature allows you to easily adjust the height of the table to suit your needs.


Stylish: Lift-top coffee tables come in a variety of styles and finishes, so you can find one that complements your decor. They can add a touch of sophistication and elegance to your living room.


What should you consider when buying a lift-top coffee table?

Size: You should consider the size of the table and ensure it fits the space you have available. Measure the space carefully and consider the size of the lift-top surface when fully extended.


Material: Consider the material of the table and ensure it complements your decor. Lift-top coffee tables are typically made from engineered wood such as MDF and Particle Board, and each material has its benefits and drawbacks.


Storage: Consider the amount of storage space you need. Some lift-top coffee tables have more storage space than others, so choose one that suits your needs.


Price: Lift-top coffee tables can range in price, so consider your budget before making a purchase. Keep in mind that higher-priced tables may be of higher quality and last longer.


In conclusion, a lift-top coffee table is a versatile and multifunctional piece of furniture that can save space in a small living room. It offers convenience, style, and the ability to transform from a traditional coffee table into a dining or work surface. When buying a lift-top coffee table, consider the size, material, storage space, and price to find the perfect table for your needs.


Browse our lift-top coffee table range!

Maximising entryway space: The benefits of a shoe rack with a built-in coat hanger

Your entryway is the first thing you and your guests see when entering your home. It’s also the first place to gather clutter, with shoes and coats often left in a disorganized mess. One solution to this problem is a shoe rack with a built-in coat hanger. Let’s explore the benefits of this innovative piece of furniture and how it can help you maximize your entryway space.


Benefits of a shoe rack with a built-in coat hanger

Organisation: A shoe rack with a built-in coat hanger is a great way to keep your entryway organised. With designated spaces for shoes and coats, you can easily find what you need and keep everything in its place.

Space-saving: If you have a small entryway, a shoe rack with a built-in coat hanger can be a great space-saving solution. By combining two pieces of furniture into one, you can free up valuable floor space and create a more open and welcoming entryway.

Convenience: A shoe rack with a built-in coat hanger is a convenient way to store and access your shoes and coats. No more searching through a pile of shoes or rummaging through a closet to find your coat. Everything is right there, ready to grab and go.

Aesthetic appeal: A shoe rack with a built-in coat hanger can also be a stylish addition to your entryway. With a variety of designs and materials to choose from, you can find a shoe rack that complements your existing décor.



When selecting a shoe rack with a built-in coat hanger, there are a few things to keep in mind:

Size: Consider the size of the shoe rack in relation to the space you have available. You don't want a shoe rack that is too big or too small for the room.

Material: Think about the material that will best suit your needs. For example, if you live in a rainy area, you may want a shoe rack made from a water-resistant material.

Design: Choose a design that complements your existing décor. If your style is modern, opt for a shoe rack with clean lines and a simple design. If your style is more traditional, choose a shoe rack with ornate details and a classic look.

Functionality: Consider what features are most important to you. Do you want a shoe rack with adjustable shelves or hooks? Or perhaps a shoe rack with a built-in umbrella stand? Make sure the shoe rack you choose meets your needs.



Q: How many pairs of shoes can a shoe rack with a built-in coat hanger hold?

A: The number of shoes a shoe rack can hold will depend on its size and design. Some shoe racks can hold as few as four pairs of shoes, while others can hold up to 20 pairs or more.

Q: Can a shoe rack with a built-in coat hanger be wall-mounted?

A: Yes, there are shoe racks with built-in coat hangers that can be wall-mounted. This can be a great option for those with limited floor space.

Q: Can a shoe rack with a built-in coat hanger be used in a mudroom?

A: Yes, a shoe rack with a built-in coat hanger can be a great addition to a mudroom. It can help keep your mudroom organized and provide a convenient place to store and access your shoes and coats.

Q: How do I clean my shoe rack with a built-in coat hanger?

A: The best way to clean your shoe rack with a built-in coat hanger will depend on the material it is made from. On a general note, it can be wiped down with a damp cloth and wiped to dry. Always consult the manufacturer’s instructions for specific cleaning recommendations.


In conclusion, a shoe rack with a built-in coat hanger can be a great investment for your entryway or mudroom. It provides organisation, space-saving, convenience, and aesthetic appeal, all in one piece of furniture. When choosing a shoe rack with a built-in coat hanger, consider its size, material, design, and functionality to ensure it meets your specific needs. With this innovative piece of furniture, you can create a welcoming and organized entryway that sets the tone for your entire home.


Check our shoe racks combo with coat hanger!

Flexibility at its best: The benefits of owning a movable side table

Side tables are a staple in most homes, but have you ever considered a movable side table? These versatile pieces of furniture can offer a range of benefits, from practicality to aesthetics. Let’s explore some of the advantages of owning a movable side table and how to choose the right one for your space.


Benefits of Movable Side Tables

Versatility: Perhaps the most significant advantage of a movable side table is its versatility. These tables can be moved around the house to suit your needs, whether that means using them as a bedside table, a laptop desk, or a snack station while watching TV.

Space-saving: If you live in a small apartment or have limited space in your home, a movable side table can be a great solution. These tables can be easily moved out of the way when not in use, creating more space and reducing clutter.

Aesthetic appeal: A movable side table can be a stylish addition to any room. There are a wide variety of designs, colors, and materials to choose from, allowing you to find a table that complements your existing décor.

Functionality: Movable side tables often come with added functionality such as built-in storage, adjustable heights, and even wheels for easy movement. This added functionality can make your life easier and more convenient.


Choosing the Right Movable Side Table

When selecting a movable side table, there are a few things to keep in mind:

Size: Consider the size of the table concerning the space you have available. You don't want a table that is too big or too small for the room.

Material: Think about the material that will best suit your needs. For example, if you plan on using the table for food and drinks, you may want to choose a table with a wipeable surface.

Design: Choose a design that complements your existing décor. If your style is modern, opt for a table with clean lines and a simple design. If your style is more traditional, choose a table with ornate details and a classic look.

Functionality: Consider what features are most important to you. Do you want a table with built-in storage? Or perhaps a table with adjustable heights? Make sure the table you choose meets your needs.



Q: What materials are movable side tables made from?

A: Movable side tables can be made from a variety of materials including wood, engineered wood (MDF or Particle Board), metal, glass, and plastic.

Q: Are movable side tables easy to move?

A: Yes, most movable side tables are designed with mobility in mind. Many come with wheels or casters or built with lightweight material making them easy to move around your home.

Q: Can movable side tables be used as a workspace?

A: Yes, many movable side tables are designed to function as a workspace. Look for tables with the right heights and surfaces that can accommodate a laptop or tablet.

Q: How do I clean my movable side table?

A: The best way to clean your movable side table will depend on the material it is made from. For example, a wood table can be wiped down with a damp cloth and dry, while a glass table may require a glass cleaner. Always consult the manufacturer’s instructions for specific cleaning recommendations.

In conclusion, owning a movable side table offers a range of benefits, from versatility and space-saving to functionality and aesthetic appeal. When selecting a movable side table, consider the size, material, design, and functionality that will best suit your needs. With the right table, you can enjoy all the advantages of this versatile piece of furniture.

Check our side table  collections!